Surrogate Jasmynn S from CA:
“My SURRO journey
To think…finding the perfect match, waiting for contracts and approvals, going to tons of doctors appts, getting blood drawn nearly every week, shooting myself with hormones in my backside and my tummy as well as taking a few other hormones through pills and patches, driving to LA once or twice a month to the fertility clinic, nausea, migraines and exhaustion, the struggle of finding a midwife, making sure everyone is up to date and checking in and sending emails, it’s all so worth it to give a family a baby they long for! 18weeks on Monday!! What a journey it has been! Happy almost Mother’s Day to all the moms out there, whether you conceived naturally, through IVF, surrogacy, egg donation or adoption and to all those out there who long to have kids, don’t give up! There are so many options and so many miracles and the universe will truly provide!!! 💘 thank you to all of those who have supported me in this and walked through this with me, for all the words of encouragement and all the help and love! I appreciate you!! Do something kind for someone else today! Blessings!”