Becoming a surrogate requires being within the ideal age range according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine

GS Moms follows the guidelines put forward by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and point out that surrogacy age restrictions are put in place in order to maximize the success, and reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy in surrogates. One of the first questions a potential surrogate may ask is about the age requirements of becoming a surrogate. Most surrogates fall between the ages of 21 and 40 and must have had a child within the last ten years. This age requirement will help ensure a happy and healthy pregnancy for everyone!

If you are between the ages of 21 and 40 and have had an uncomplicated pregnancy within the last ten years, then Surrogacy may be a great choice for you! Surrogacy is a great gift that you can give to a couple that dreams of having a child but needs your help!

In order to ensure the best results your BMI should be below 32 and you should not have any major health issues like gestational diabetes that was not controlled with diet, or high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia during your pregnancies. GSMoms wants everyone to have a wonderful experience on the surrogacy journey and increasing the rate of success helps you to be able to give your Intended Parents the best gift of all, their baby!

Being a gestational surrogate is one of the most amazing gifts you could possibly give. We are here to assist in making this experience positive and memorable for you. We look forward to working with you through your surrogate journey. Please let us know if you have any questions at all!

"Lisa Stark-Hughes of GS Moms believes, "When an amazing team of people come together to bring your child into the world, that child will always know how special they are." 

Gestational Surrogate Moms, Inc. (GSMoms) is a full-service surrogacy and egg donor agency that focuses on keeping the most significant decision in life - that of starting a family - a personal experience. Whether you are an intended parent, surrogate, egg donor, clinical partner and/or sister agency, you will always feel our level of commitment. Our GSMoms family will work with you through this process, and treat you with the care you deserve during such a critical time in your life.   We are a global company with our main offices located in Sacramento, California, and Champaign, Illinois. We also have a satellite office in Pasadena, California; and work with partners and other agencies located throughout the world, including Tel Aviv, Israel, and Shenzhen, China.