“People stop me when I am out with the Doona, from doctor’s offices, to getting the baby out of the car. The other day I was getting the baby out of the car in the Doona and pushed the one button in order to let the stroller legs come down. A couple more clicks and the Doona instantly converts into a stroller. I was walking with the father and the baby and two ladies were in a car in the parking lot and stopped us. They said they had been watching us the whole entire time to see what was going to happen next! One lady asked “is that a transformer?!?” They had never seen anything like it and wanted to know where to get one for their own family members who are expecting the arrival of a baby in two months. The Doona stops people in their tracks and turns heads!”
Celeste Kelly
Retail Manager
GSMoms Center for Reproductive Choice
(Celeste was out with one of our new parents and his baby girl following the birth. He just loves the Doona!)