Ultrasound Day!
It’s time for dad-to-be T’s surrogate to have her second ultrasound! We are crossing fingers and toes for heartbeat confirmation for them! #TeamGSMOMS #SurrogacySteps
It’s time for dad-to-be T’s surrogate to have her second ultrasound! We are crossing fingers and toes for heartbeat confirmation for them! #TeamGSMOMS #SurrogacySteps
T.E. was approved to start her cycle medications. Fingers crossed for transfer next week! #TeamGSMOMS #SurrogacySteps
Records are being reviewed by potential parents’ fertility clinic for experienced surrogate K.A. in Oregon! #TeamGSMOMS #SurrogacySteps
Good luck to T.E. in Oregon at her next monitoring appointment this week! #TeamGSMOMS #SurrogacySteps
H.L. in Oregon has her next ob appointment this week! We love hearing how she and both babies are doing! #TeamGSMOMS #SurrogacySteps
Congratulations to parents R+M and surrogate Bella in Tennessee on confirmation of pregnancy! The ultrasound showed one health baby measuring right on track and with a strong heart beat in the 170s! #TeamGSMOMS #SurrogacySteps